This easy weeknight roasted chicken breasts dish features the sweet flavors of roasted carrots, onions, and prunes. Peel carrots with a vegetable peeler;...
This lovely dessert, homemade toffee-chocolate matzah, offers a sweet take on the usual recipe and is a crowd-pleaser at Passover seders. Recipe is courtesy...
Bittersweet chocolate and cocoa powder give a classic cereal bar a devilish twist. With only five ingredients and 10 minutes of prep work, who could resist...
Spicy gingersnaps stand in for the more traditional graham crackers in the crust of this Pumpkin-Cheesecake Pie, and make an excellent foil for the rich...
An easy sauce made of orange juice, lemon juice, and honey is an irresistible dip for chicken fingers. Use the sauce, minus the honey, as a marinade if...
Our rice salad, which can be served chilled or at room temperature, includes three types of the grain -- wild, brown, and brown basmati -- as well as tomatoes,...
This superfood salad uses the ancient whole grain farro as its base, it has a nutty flavor and satisfying chew (not to mention eight grams of fiber per...
A few simple tricks -- soaking in warm water and vinegar, dusting lightly with cornstarch, and cooking in a very hot pan -- ensure that the potatoes stay...
Grasshopper pie was a favorite of Southern hostesses in the 1950s and '60s. We've updated the recipe, infusing the filling with fresh mint and adding coconut...
If the stew is made in advance, be sure to remove the rosemary sprig and let the beans cool before refrigerating. It should be reheated gently over medium-low...
You don't have to wake up extra-early to bake something from scratch for breakfast -- even on weekday mornings. With a batch of this versatile baking mix...
Wrapped in foil, the spiced ribs oven-cook in intense heat; the foil locks in their moisture for supremely tender results. On with the sauce and over to...
This recipe is a great side dish to any meal. For breakfast, try it piled on a plate with a fried egg on top.From the book "Mad Hungry" by Lucinda Scala...
Do not attempt to cut the amounts in the recipe in half. Instead, dry any extra noodles completely, wrap them tightly in plastic, and store at cool room...
Hamantaschen cookies are popular treats for the feast of Purim, which joyfully celebrates the Jews' deliverance from the detested Haman. Make sure the...
Macarons are light-as-a-feather French cookies that can be assembled using any sweet fillings and bases that you please. Our best, step-by-step recipe...
Seafood is a must for the Feast of the Seven Fishes, an Italian Christmas Eve tradition. This salad with squid, shrimp, mussels, and crab is a delicious...